How A Simple SEO Marketing Equation Got Me 3 Million Page Views And A Book Deal

The One Secret That Got Me 3 Million Page Views and A Book Deal!

The Big Secret Revealed

Today, we’re going to simplify SEO marketing so that you can understand it. So many people overcomplicate this simple yet VERY effective strategy but before we get into that, let me reveal the very secret that brought me and my business TREMENDOUS success.

The secret to how I was able to get 3 million page views on one post and land a book deal is that I created a solution to a problem that needed to be solved and then used my simplified SEO marketing equation to gain traction within search engines.

People over-complicate the process of getting organically found online, but if you follow my simple SEO marketing equation, you will succeed!

Let’s take a deeper look at this.

Simple SEO Marketing strategy |

Simple SEO Marketing Equation

If you google SEO marketing, you will get millions of articles on what you should do when it comes to SEO.

The truth is, that most overcomplicate the process leaving us throwing in the towel BEFORE we even get started.

I didn’t focus on all the tools and tactics that most claim that you need to be successful, I simply followed my equation time and time again and I landed on page one of Google for over 100 of my posts.

So what is this equation I am referring to?

Problem + Curiosity + Solution + Lead = Success

So now that the equation has been revealed, let’s break it down piece by piece.

Solve A Problem That Needs To Be Solved

The first and most important part of this equation is that you have to solve a problem that needs to be solved.

Make no mistake, if you don’t benefit or serve the reader in some way you will fail to get traffic through search engines.

How do you know what needs to be solved? Take a look at what you’re having or had issues with and how were you able to get results.

Now help others get the desired results they are after. In other words, use the results that you got and teach them how they can duplicate what you were able to accomplish.

Keep it simple…when you overcomplicate anything your audience will continue to search for a better answer.

Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.
— Wendy Piersall

Title The Post To Create Curiosity

Now that you’ve got the topic, you need to add curiosity to the title of your post.

DO NOT forget to add the keywords to your title.

As an example, in this post, the keywords are simple SEO marketing. If you look at the post title and one or more of my headers, you’ll notice that this keyword is front and center.

I’ve also managed to create curiosity. Who doesn’t want to know what this equation is that landed me a book deal and got me 3 million views?

Reveal The Solution In An SEO Friendly Way

So now that you’ve got your post properly titled you need to reveal your solution in a post that supports what search engines and your readers are looking for.

There is a RIGHT way to write a post and the way you write it is just as important as how you title your post.

You can learn how people read online and how to optimize your post so that people and search engines prioritize your material over others. Learn these 5 tips to create online content here.

Lead Your Audience To What They Need Next

The final tip or part of the equation is to LEAD your readers to the next best thing.

Notice how I just did this in the above sentence where I linked to the 5 tips to create online content. I’m leading you to what you need next and I’m giving you MORE valuable content.

Not only does this carry on the conversation, but it shows search engines that you’re further interested in more material that I offer.

That’s it! Simple, right? Now you do have to tag your keywords in the back end of your post but don’t worry…I’ll be writing another post on how to do that in next week’s blog post. Stay tuned….

I Invite You To Watch My Free Workshop

If you’d like to learn more about how to unlock the business you have buried deep inside you, I invite you to watch my free workshop.

We take an in-depth look at how you can turn the skills and services that you already have into a profitable business to increase your income, create time flexibility, and give you the freedom to live the life of your dreams.

I promise it will be so worth your time…I look forward to seeing you there. 


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